Mar 18, 2016 | Everyday Youth, In the News, Podcast, Uncategorized, Videos
Join us in helping more than 100 children in Inwood, survive the toughest week of their young lives: NY State Testing Week. These tests are no joke. Watch the video below to find out why they’re so important but also so, extremely difficult — Liz shares a question from one and you won’t BELIEVE what grade level it’s for.
To help, our faith family is coming together to bless the children and teachers in Inwood by packing giftbags with snacks and notes of encouragement that will help keep students full, focused and hopefully a little more confident when they walk into testing this April.
You can help by bringing any of the following items to church this Sunday morning March 27, or by signing up to help serve or provide food for a teacher breakfast at the start of testing week (April 5th). Email to sign up.
Items to donate:
- Non-peanut granola bars
- Organic Juice Boxes
- Blow pops (lollipops with gum)
- Money to support a contribution of school supplies (ECC is purchasing in bulk, and you can help defray the $250 cost)
On Sunday April 3rd, after service, we’ll assemble the bags together as a church, so plan to be there!
Sep 21, 2015 | Everyday Kidz, In the News, Teaching
Pastor of Everyday Church, Chris Travis, has written a heart-warming book for children about Christmas and Easter and… donkeys?
That’s right, donkeys.
Discover delightful, unexpected connections between Christmas and Easter, vividly illustrated. There’s a surprise ending too, but shhh… Don’t spoil it!
Get a copy and leave a review at Everyday Press or Amazon!
Jun 9, 2013 | Events, Everyday Kidz, In the News, Videos
When: Saturday, 4pm
Where: Muscota Elementary, 4862 Broadway (map)*
What: A documentary by CIY that features Everyday Church! Bring a friend. Here’s the trailer:
Note: This documentary contains some mature content and may not be appropriate for young children.
* This activity is not sponsored or endorsed by the New York City Department of Education or the City of New York.
Everyday Church wholeheartedly endorses the New York City Department of Education and the City of New York! We think our public school teachers, administrators, parents, and students work hard to forge a better future for us all. And we love this fine city.
Mar 13, 2013 | Everyday Youth, In the News, Prayer
The Everyday Youth Group is alive and well, and even making headlines!
A few weeks ago at the height of the silly viral Youtube phenomenon called “The Harlem Shake,” we recorded our own version. A local online news publication called included our video in a story here. Then that same story was picked up by AM New York, a commuter paper that goes out to about 350K subway riders. You can watch the video here: Everyday Youth Group Harlem Shake.
We’re not sure how God might use this, but there are so many kids in NYC who do not know Christ. Please pray that God would provide opportunities to get more and more kids involved with this youth group whether it is through the funny video we made, or any other way. Thank you for your prayers.
Feb 18, 2013 | Everyday Youth, In the News
The Everyday Youth Group’s Harlem Shake video is featured in this article!
Harlem Shake Shimmies Uptown
Oct 27, 2012 | Community Impact, In the News, Videos
This documentary produced by CIY includes some of the story of Everyday Church. You might recognize some faces!