Why the name “Everyday”?
At some point, most of us ask that question. We believed church isn’t just about what happens on Sunday. It’s about who we are and how we live as the church every day of the week. We ARE the church, we are the family of God. And that takes far more than just a few hours together on Sunday morning.
As we pursue life-changing relationships with Jesus and the family of God (our mission!), we gather in lots of different ways:
Small Groups
We offer small groups that are relaxed, casual gatherings where anyone can come as they are and experience a deep sense of community.
Throughout the year we offer different classes like “Emotionally Healthy Relationships” and workshops on subjects like financial health and multi-ethnic conversations.
Whether it’s on Sunday or while gathering for small group, we think an essential part of any community is gathering around the table.
We regularly hold community events and parties, and go on adventures together (inside and outside the city).