… in with Everyday Groups!
We’re shifting our Home Groups into 3rd gear this New Year. Thus far, our groups have been mostly about genuine spiritual friendship and growing in knowledge. But there’s a third purpose to them and we’re ready to for it! We aren’t backing off from developing real community and exploring the Bible, but we’re going to start rolling up our sleeves together.
We’re going to change things. Help people. Serve our neighbors. Because God works primarily through everyday people, we’re challenging our Home Groups each to adopt a mission or a ministry– to identify a group of people to reach out to, or a contribution to make in Jesus’ name. We want to be a church that is famous for justice and mercy.
To signify this change, we’re renaming our Home Groups. So, we don’t have Home Groups anymore. They’re done. Now we have Everyday Groups. That’s gonna take a little getting used to. If you catch us saying something about “Home Groups,” you have our permission chime in, “Uh, don’t you mean Everyday Groups? What’s a Home Group?”
Everyday Groups currently serve the youth in our neighborhood, children and families, and various areas justice and mercy. And there are others beginning to form! There are rumors of a Prayer group, a Spanish group, and an Arts group taking shape.
We feel like we’re on the front end of something incredible. God is on the move through everyday people. There is an Everyday Group— right now, or maybe even one that doesn’t yet exist!– that needs your unique talents and strengths. This New Year, decide to make the Most Important One the most important one to you.
We’re going to be posting all the latest so you can continue to find your best fit. But don’t wait for that! Get involved and help us make God’s dreams come true. If you aren’t a part of an Everyday Group, then Contact Us.