What 5th Grader asks for more math? We could hardly believe our ears when the kids we’ve been tutoring started asking for more.
“Can I come to the Monday group too?” asked a boy in our Saturday group.
“Since it’s Spring break next week, can we meet for longer?”
Actually, its not that surprising. Children need attention from caring adults like they need food. Anyone can help a kid practice flashcards, but not everyone is willing to give the time. Everyday Church volunteers listened, encouraged, joked around, played, and actually taught some math too.
It doesn’t hurt if you try to make the math interesting and fun. Check out this silly short we made with some of the students to help teach some tips for, “Doing Our Best On the Test”:
http://www.vimeo.com/23546470We played that video at our final session before the NY State Math Exam, and then brought the kids with their parents into the cafeteria for cake to celebrate all their hard work. They walked into a room pulsing with African drum rhythms, performed by the Drum Cafe. There were dozens of djembes placed throughout the room– one for each person. Drum Cafe led us through a series of rhythms, culminating in jam session where a number of students got to show off their beats. Behind the music, there was a message to those kids, spoken by the presence of parents, teachers, and tutors, much louder than words: you matter, and there are a lot of adults who care about your success.
This won’t be the last time we do something like this. Stay tuned for ways that you can get involved in the future!