What if God brought double our usual attendance to our next teaching service… Would we be able to connect with that many people?
I think that our church is ready to grow. Our volunteers are in place, our Everyday Groups are strong, our teaching service is powerful. Not only that, but it’s also time for our church to grow. That’s not always true in the life of a church, but I believe it is true for Everyday Church right now. It’s time to grow, to become financially self-sufficient and sustainable for the long run. Planting a new church is great. Planting a new church that’ll be here for years to come is even better! Would you pray with me?
Lord Jesus, head of the church, we submit to your leadership of Everyday Christian Church. Our prayer is for you to bring more people to be a part of our Teaching Services. Grow this church so that we might make disciples for generations to come, all for the glory of your name. Amen.