Bring the little ones in your life for this enriching new series based on the real-life Tales of the Not Forgotten.
According to Family Life Minister Wendy: “This series will spark an interest in your kids to consider God as their Storyweaver, someone who has seen where they have been and has plans for where they are going. Kids will wonder about a world bigger than the community they are a part of and become curious how they can connect with that world. After kids hear stories of people’s lives woven together by the Storyweaver, we’ll ask questions like, ‘How do I pray?’, ‘What can I give?’, ‘Where can I go?’ and ‘Who will I serve?'”
Everyday Kidz provides age-appropriate spiritual experiences for children, from infants thru 6th Grade, every Sunday as part of our Teaching Services. For more information, check out our Services page, or contact Wendy (Email her, or call 646-290-7779).