We plan to take another important step with our Teaching Services this October: we intend to increase the frequency of these gatherings from every-other week (as they are now) to every week. Everyday Groups are the most important way we relate to one another as a church, and our Teaching Services are one of the many things we do to support them. That focus isn’t changing. But it is time to take this next natural step with our services.
We’ll share more information over the coming months, but the most important thing we can all do to support this important development is to pray that:
* Everyday Groups benefit immensely from the added momentum our Teaching Services can provide.
* More Everyday people take advantage of the opportunities to volunteer this will provide, and experience the sense of significance and ownership that comes from being a part of this worthy endeavor.
* God uses this to draw more people to himself, and uses us to bring others along.
* God gives us all wisdom and courage to follow his lead as we establish this new church.
If you have any questions, comments, hopes, or concerns about this, don’t hesitate to contact me: Email Chris.