Everyday Kidz is taking a big step this June: we’re adding a nursery. That’s right… bring on your gurgling, giggling, crying, beautiful little bundles of joy!
God cares deeply for children, and Everyday Kidz strives to provide a loving, safe environment for children of all ages during our Teaching Services. We currently produce fun, faith-building experiences for children ages 2 to 12. We’re now ready to grow younger. Starting in June, expect your littlest ones to be loved, nurtured, and engaged by a team of trained caregivers in our new nursery. Spread the word!If you’d like to be one of our committed volunteers, please let us know. We can get the ball rolling on a background check, and get you plugged into our training process. We’ll always make room on the Everyday Kidz team for qualified volunteers who love God and love kids. Contact Wendy for more information: wendy@everydaycc.com.