Join us in helping  more than 100 children in Inwood, survive the toughest week of their young lives: NY State Testing Week. These tests are no joke. Watch the video below to find out why they’re so important but also so, extremely difficult — Liz shares a question from one and you won’t BELIEVE what grade level it’s for.

To help, our faith family is coming together to bless the children and teachers in Inwood by packing giftbags with snacks and notes of encouragement that will help keep students full, focused and hopefully a little more confident when they walk into testing this April.

You can help by bringing any of the following items to church this Sunday morning March 27,  or by signing up to help serve or provide food for a teacher breakfast at the start of testing week (April 5th). Email to sign up.

Items to donate: 

  • Non-peanut granola bars
  • Organic Juice Boxes
  • Blow pops (lollipops with gum)
  • Money to support a contribution of school supplies (ECC is purchasing in bulk, and you can help defray the $250 cost)

On Sunday April 3rd, after service, we’ll assemble the bags together as a church, so plan to be there!