There is some serious stuff going on in the world, and in our own country. Please take some time out from whatever you are doing and implore God to have mercy on:
* The doctors, aid workers, researchers, and policy makers who are working to get ahead of the Ebola Outbreak. Cry out to God for the 1,000s who are sick and dying, and for their loved ones.
* Iraq. The Yazidis, Christians, and other minorities targeted by ISIS. Pray for ISIS soldiers and leaders as well. Our battle is not against flesh and blood.
* For justice in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting. Not just retributive justice, but for the presence of peace and fairness. Racism is a terrible sin, and it burns underneath the surface of our country. Pray for the frustrated and disenfranchised who have no voice. Pray the powerful will have new hearts. Pray for justice.
* For God’s Kingdom to come, and his will to be done, here on earth as it is in heaven: Ukraine, Sudan, the Gaza strip… lift up world leaders, the poor, the victims, the perpetrators. Chris