Men’s Study (starts tonight!)
Leader: Chris Travis
Tuesdays, 8-9:30p, 5 sessions, at Chris Travis’ place.
We’re going to read and discuss Father Fiction by Donald Miller. Find out more about your true Father and make some good friends along the way. You don’t need a copy for tonight– just bring yourself. Email me for more info (
Women’s Study (starts tonight!)
Leader: Wendy Bennett
Tuesdays, 7:30-9p, 8 sessions, at the church office (5030 Broadway Unit 630)
We’ll be reading and discussing the Emotionally Healthy Woman by Geri Scazzero. It isn’t possible to be spiritually mature without being emotionally mature! Come make some friends and learn some skills that will lead you towards emotionally healthy spirituality. Contact me for details (
Couple’s Study
Leader: Chris & Lindsay Travis
Fridays, 8-9:30p, 5 sessions, at Chris & Lindsay Travis’ place
This study is for couples who are married (or engaged to be married). We’ll learn Emotionally Healthy Skills that can breath life back into any marriage, or help make a good thing even better! Whether you are newly weds longing to get off on the right foot, struggling in your relationship, wanting even more of a good thing, or are simply ready for a “tune up,” this study is for you. Come laugh, make some friends, and learn some valuable skills. Lindsay and I will be cooking food, so you can come straight from work, and we know life can be hectic, so we’ll be careful to keep the meeting to the scheduled time. Please let us know you’ll be participating (email me: